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Building leaks blog
Did you know that Balconies are the most common cause of Building Leaks!
Over the years there has been a huge growth in multi-storey private residences and high rise buildings to meet the demands of the ever...
Does Poor Design Cause Building Leaks?
This is a question I have been asked more than once by frustrated building owners, even owners of new buildings. Poor design can...
How to Get Good Building Advice!
Recently a friend needed to get some advice regarding a water leak in a renovated house in Melbourne. There was a problem with the tiled...
How To Tell If Your Leak Expert Really Is (an expert)
This should be an easy task, but it isn’t. Just because someone calls himself or herself an expert, it doesn’t make them one. ...
Why is my building leaking? How Can I fix it?
Perhaps unsurprisingly, these are questions I am asked frequently, all too often in an incredibly exasperated tone of voice and...
Top Three Bathroom Makeover Mistakes
Are you thinking of a bathroom renovation? Be warned. While the ever-growing number of home makeover television programs and glossy...
Submarines Don’t Leak – So Why Do Buildings?
Before I get sprung – I have to confess – the title was borrowed from an article about leaking high-rise buildings in Hong Kong. The...
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